Run Pōneke

Run Pōneke is a charitable trust being set up to provide a centralised hub dedicated to serving the diverse requirements of the running enthusiasts in the region. I worked with founder, Will Cass, to create a simple dashboard that showcased some statistics on social running in Wellington.

There has been a boom in social running in Pōneke. There are multiple groups that boast 50+ attendees for a simple jog. I am a member of Wellington Running Meetup (WoRM) and our Meetup page has had a 26% increase in members since 2022. Note - we weren't small back then either!

After falling into some rabbit holes, I had a closer look at the finishers of the four weekly Parkrun events in the Wellington region. The rise in the past ten years has been astonishing, not even Covid could slow them down!

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Family Violence in New Zealand

Despite the introduction of Te Puna Aonui in 2018 to improve the whole-of-government approach to family violence, police investigated a record high 177,000 FV events in 2023.

Ministry of Justice reported there were 30,532 FV charges in 2023, up 8% from 2022. This accounts for 14.7% of all charges in New Zealand.

According to the New Zealand Crime and Victims Survey (NZCVS), 36% of women have been victim to sexual assault in their lifetime, and 24% to Intimate Partner Violence (IPV).

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FTE and Contractor Expenditure in NZ Public Service

There were 63,000 FTEs employed by the NZ govt in 2023. This is an increase of 27% from 2016, while only an 11% increase in population occurred.

Contractors and consultants cost the govt $1.3bil in 2023, with OPEX spiking from 2021 by 51%. While the initial spike in 2022 can be partly attributed to Covid-19 (as MoH spend rose by $95mil in 2022 before dropping back to pre-Covid levels in 2023), it does not explain the continued spend in 2023.

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